Thursday, 14 April 2011


I think I have finally got to understand Jacks horsenality. It has only taken three years and lots of mind changes. Originally he was very RBE, but with Parelli training he was very LBE. So I figured he was innately LBE. Then when I went out and about he went very RBE and my PP figured he was RBE and I got a horsenality report which is based on when you first get your horse which came out strongly RBE, but with lots of LBE tendencies. So I figured he must be RBE innately but with lots of LBE thrown in and a bit of LBI. But back home I never see the RBEnow???? Brain hurt time.
Anyway my PP came over a couple of weeks ago, and also agreed he was probably innately LBE as he was very playful and curious, which is not a RBE trait. So she changed her mind. And also figured that a scared LBE going RB is more challenging as he won’t look to the human for leadership. Are you with me so far?
So, I have finally come to the conclusion that jack is innately a LBEBUT when reacting to new places, people, changes and things, he will have an extreme RBEreaction so at those times I need to be a very very strong leader to get his attention and off his adrenalin. And as for the LBI part when that shows up I need to change my strategy again, and that is usually in the arena. 
So I NOW finally feel that I understand my horse…….that means so much to me and it has taken a really really long time, and lots and lots of confusion. Thanks jack for making it interesting:0)