Monday, 11 July 2011


Lisa Trowse said Fast Track - week 3 - day 14 - the days are so full I really can hardly remember the stuff we learn. Introduced the fourth savvy today,so now we are trying to get all four into one day succinctly and successfully. We started with tool savvy this morning, tying the knot in the hackamore and then trying to get handy with the carrot stick playing games.

Out into the playground with focus on getting into the saddle. Jack once again saddles very nicely and bridled with feel from my knees with no opposition reflex. One big thing I will take away from here is that at home it is so easy to think it is not working or having the patience to really be consistent about stuff. Being here there is no ...oh well ok can be disciplined enough to carry on being passively persistent. I cannot believe my grass monster as learned his partner responsibilities in a field of lush grass to stand and not even attempt to eat it until I have finished saddling and bridling. It really does mean that you have to be consistent, not 100 but maybe a 1000 times until it filters through. But it the end and then you will get the result you want.

Practised follow the rail in trot and figure 8. Jack is still arguing some but is starting to accept his responsibility so much more. Playing online beforehand he was circling lovely with a steady gait and no brace on the line. I have taken to leading jack by the chin in the playground when he is bridled and he is really good with that too. Porcupine is soft finally and getting subtle movements with little pressure. Another success.

We had a team task today of marking out a precision pen, including measuring it and painting in the lines on the field. It was good fun and only what I would describe as organised chaos, but we got the job done!

This afternoon I practised my liberty and it was perfect :0) jack did everything I asked and didn't leave me once. He got a little exuberant at times with stick to me in canter so had to keep a bit of distance, but he was so good and we had FUN! Really got my draw as well with great indicators taken from the demos we have seen. I used two elements which really worked and I was so pleased.

We then then to the stand on a spot (or frisbee) workshop. How to get your horse to stand on a very small marker....and then we went to the workshop on soft feel. Jack rounded nicely and took up the contact. We even managed a canter in the scary paddock. At one point I asked for a leg yield and he gave nicely, and then probably mistakenly asked for sideways, and then he braced. I did not want to release on the brace and had to wait for him to step under, but he tensed up and though he did finally give, I maybe asked too much of him at that time. But lesson learned. We walked around on a casual rein and found relaxation before the end of the session.

Gave him a lovely massage at the end of the day as he really worked hard today. I know he appreciated it from all the faces he was pulling as I rubbed his back and neck. Can't believe we are at the end of week three tomorrow!!!!

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