Lisa Trowse said Fast track - Assessment Day - nearly the end! What a day. So tired my bones and muscles ache. My brain is fried and my feet don't belong to me. There were lots of lows, but lots of highs. Jack came out of the stable unfocused and our first couple of online tasks were bad. We actually did much better in the first lot of assessments and they were pretty bad too. Parelli student ....what student lol!! I don't think me or my horse had done Parelli before in our lives by the display we did. I felt a bit tearful, but I gave myself a talking to and said get on with woman. We slowly improved and then it was time for the dreaded trailer.
Every in my group took their turn. We had to trailer load from various positions depending on level in three minutes. Well just as it is was my turn a horse had got loose and came galloping round the corner. Jack put his tail up, snorted and started prancing and I figured that I was a t a slight disadvantage! Horse returned to owner. I tried to focus Jack and we managed to load in under three minutes :0))))))) not bad for a really REALLY bad loader!
Freestyle tests were better than online surprisingly, and I was quite pleased though not ecstatic. After lunch we had liberty testing. I was indecisive about what tact to use, fast and provocative or slow and gentle. He had been quite RBE so I tried slow and gentle. We did ok at first and then the little so and so left me and I couldn't get him back. Not a patch on how we have been playing the last couple of days, but I had to laugh, because he kept watching me out the corner of his eye, saying nope not coming to you!
Onto the finesse tests and at this point Jack was really really good. Bearing in mind he is wilful and spooky and argues sooooo much. He was a poppet. Completed all the tasks reasonably well for us. The one I was dreading was the precision pen in SPOOKY corner. As it was we did really well and jack even offered canter on the first 20m circle, so I accepted it for one and a half circles then which was calm and relaxed and then I brought him back to trot as we approached the scary end. He argued once or twice, he spooked a couple of times, but I was really pleased with him.
A lovely end to a long and tiring day. I honestly don't think I made the grade. We were all over the place this morning. But I am really happy that we have learned so much that we can take with us and continue our journey. Six years ago jack was a skeleton, was unrideable due to his physical and mental condition. I never thought we would ever come so far, and that is only from when we started the programme 3 years ago. Before then we were going nowhere, except to hospital occasionally. This last month has shown me that there is more hope for the future of what we may be able to achieve. We have grown in many different respects and learned so much.
Thank you all for your support and for taking the time to read my posts. I will let you know my results tomorrow good or bad x
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